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    Resources Translator Speech is civilization itself... It is silence which isolates.

Speech is civilization itself... It is silence which isolates.

Translation result
El habla es la civilización misma... Es el silencio el que aísla. Speech is civilization itself... It is silence which isolates.

speech noun

1. the act of delivering a formal spoken communication to an audience.

The presidential candidate gave a powerful speech to rally the crowd before the election, emphasizing her commitment to social justice and economic reform. El candidato presidencial dio un discurso poderoso para movilizar a la multitud antes de las elecciones, enfatizando su compromiso con la justicia social y la reforma económica.

2. (language) communication by word of mouth.

The politician delivered a powerful speech to a packed auditorium, urging citizens to take action against climate change. El político pronunció un discurso potente ante un auditorio abarrotado, instando a los ciudadanos a tomar medidas contra el cambio climático.

3. something spoken.

The company's CEO delivered a speech at the annual conference, outlining their plans for future growth and innovation. El CEO de la empresa pronunció un discurso en la conferencia anual, donde presentó sus planes para el crecimiento y la innovación del futuro.

4. the exchange of spoken words.

The president's speech at the international summit was met with applause and cheers from the audience, as she delivered a powerful message on global cooperation. El discurso del presidente en el cumbre internacional fue recibido con aplausos y gritos de entusiasmo por el público, mientras ella transmitía un mensaje poderoso sobre cooperación global.

5. your characteristic style or manner of expressing yourself orally.

Despite her nervousness, Sarah's speech was confident and engaging, which helped to win over the audience. A pesar de su nerviosidad, el discurso de Sarah fue confiado y atractivo, lo que ayudó a ganarse al público.

6. a lengthy rebuke.

The politician delivered a scathing speech to his opponents, lambasting their policies and accusing them of corruption. El político pronunció un discurso escandaloso contra sus oponentes, despotricando contra sus políticas y acusándolos de corrupción.

7. words making up the dialogue of a play.

The playwright carefully crafted the character's speech to reveal their inner struggles and motivations throughout the story. El dramaturgo cuidadosamente forjó el discurso del personaje para revelar sus luchas internas y motivaciones a lo largo de la historia.

8. the mental faculty or power of vocal communication.

The professor studied the nuances of language to better understand the human speech and its ability to convey complex emotions. El profesor estudió las sutilezas del lenguaje para comprender mejor el habla humana y su capacidad para transmitir complejas emociones.

be verb

1. have the quality of being.

The new employee is calm, which be an essential trait for working in customer service. (In this sentence, "be" means to have the quality of being calm.) El nuevo empleado es sereno, lo que es una característica esencial para trabajar en atención al cliente. (En esta oración, "ser" significa tener la calidad de ser sereno.)

2. be identical to.

The two copies of the document be identical, making it impossible to determine which one is the original. Los dos ejemplares del documento sean idénticos, lo que hace imposible determinar cuál es el original.

3. occupy a certain position or area.

The new restaurant will be located on the corner of Main Street and Elm Avenue, right next to the city's famous fountain. El nuevo restaurante se ubicará en la esquina de calle Main y Avenida Elm, justo al lado de la famosa fuente de la ciudad.

4. have an existence, be extant.

The ancient city of Pompeii still be on the Italian coast, despite being buried under volcanic ash for centuries. La ciudad antigua de Pompeya sigue estando en la costa italiana, a pesar de estar enterrada bajo cenizas volcánicas durante siglos.

5. happen, occur, take place.

The storm was expected to be severe, so we stocked up on supplies and boarded up the windows. La tormenta se esperaba que fuera severa, por lo que nos aprovisionamos de suministros y acristalamos las ventanas.

6. be identical or equivalent to.

The new smartphone **be** a clone of the latest iPhone model, sharing many of its features and design elements. El nuevo smartphone **será** una copia del último modelo de iPhone, compartiendo muchos de sus características y elementos de diseño.

7. form or compose.

The songwriter spent hours be-ing the melody, carefully crafting each note to create a haunting harmony. El compositor pasó horas siendo la melodía, cuidadosamente labrando cada nota para crear un armonía aterciopelada.

8. work in a specific place, with a specific subject, or in a specific function.

As a freelance writer, she be based out of her home office to focus on her latest novel. Como escritora independiente, ella trabaja desde su oficina en casa para enfocarse en su última novela.

9. represent, as of a character on stage.

The actor will be Shakespeare's Hamlet in tonight's performance. El actor será Hamlet de Shakespeare en la representación de esta noche.

10. spend or use time.

I'll be watching the game all afternoon, so don't disturb me. Voy a estar viendo el partido toda la tarde, así que no me molestes.

11. have life, be alive.

The newborn baby was still learning to be, struggling to breathe and adjusting to its new life outside the womb. El bebé recién nacido todavía estaba aprendiendo a ser, luchando por respirar y adaptándose a su nueva vida fuera del útero.

12. to remain unmolested, undisturbed, or uninterrupted -- used only in infinitive form.

The hikers made sure to be off the trail by nightfall so they could be alone and enjoy their campsite without disturbance. Los senderistas se aseguraron de estar fuera del camino por la hora nocturna para poder estar solos y disfrutar de su acampada sin molestar.

13. be priced at.

The new smartphone will be $800, making it one of the most expensive models on the market. El nuevo smartphone costará $800, lo que lo hará uno de los modelos más caros en el mercado.


I am
You are
He/She/It is
We are
You are
They are
Complete conjugation.

civilization verb

be verb

1. have the quality of being.

The new employee is calm, which be an essential trait for working in customer service. (In this sentence, "be" means to have the quality of being calm.) El nuevo empleado es sereno, lo que es una característica esencial para trabajar en atención al cliente. (En esta oración, "ser" significa tener la calidad de ser sereno.)

2. be identical to.

The two copies of the document be identical, making it impossible to determine which one is the original. Los dos ejemplares del documento sean idénticos, lo que hace imposible determinar cuál es el original.

3. occupy a certain position or area.

The new restaurant will be located on the corner of Main Street and Elm Avenue, right next to the city's famous fountain. El nuevo restaurante se ubicará en la esquina de calle Main y Avenida Elm, justo al lado de la famosa fuente de la ciudad.

4. have an existence, be extant.

The ancient city of Pompeii still be on the Italian coast, despite being buried under volcanic ash for centuries. La ciudad antigua de Pompeya sigue estando en la costa italiana, a pesar de estar enterrada bajo cenizas volcánicas durante siglos.

5. happen, occur, take place.

The storm was expected to be severe, so we stocked up on supplies and boarded up the windows. La tormenta se esperaba que fuera severa, por lo que nos aprovisionamos de suministros y acristalamos las ventanas.

6. be identical or equivalent to.

The new smartphone **be** a clone of the latest iPhone model, sharing many of its features and design elements. El nuevo smartphone **será** una copia del último modelo de iPhone, compartiendo muchos de sus características y elementos de diseño.

7. form or compose.

The songwriter spent hours be-ing the melody, carefully crafting each note to create a haunting harmony. El compositor pasó horas siendo la melodía, cuidadosamente labrando cada nota para crear un armonía aterciopelada.

8. work in a specific place, with a specific subject, or in a specific function.

As a freelance writer, she be based out of her home office to focus on her latest novel. Como escritora independiente, ella trabaja desde su oficina en casa para enfocarse en su última novela.

9. represent, as of a character on stage.

The actor will be Shakespeare's Hamlet in tonight's performance. El actor será Hamlet de Shakespeare en la representación de esta noche.

10. spend or use time.

I'll be watching the game all afternoon, so don't disturb me. Voy a estar viendo el partido toda la tarde, así que no me molestes.

11. have life, be alive.

The newborn baby was still learning to be, struggling to breathe and adjusting to its new life outside the womb. El bebé recién nacido todavía estaba aprendiendo a ser, luchando por respirar y adaptándose a su nueva vida fuera del útero.

12. to remain unmolested, undisturbed, or uninterrupted -- used only in infinitive form.

The hikers made sure to be off the trail by nightfall so they could be alone and enjoy their campsite without disturbance. Los senderistas se aseguraron de estar fuera del camino por la hora nocturna para poder estar solos y disfrutar de su acampada sin molestar.

13. be priced at.

The new smartphone will be $800, making it one of the most expensive models on the market. El nuevo smartphone costará $800, lo que lo hará uno de los modelos más caros en el mercado.


I am
You are
He/She/It is
We are
You are
They are
Complete conjugation.

silence noun

1. the state of being silent (as when no one is speaking).

The sudden silence in the classroom was palpable after the teacher asked a thought-provoking question that left everyone in stunned quietude. El silencio repentinamente caído en el aula era palpable después de que el maestro hizo una pregunta pensativa que dejó a todos en un silencio atónido.

2. the absence of sound.

The stillness of the forest was broken only by the occasional bird's chirp, but otherwise there was complete silence. La quietud del bosque fue rota solo por el crido intermitente de un pájaro, pero en lo demás había un silencio absoluto.

3. a refusal to speak when expected.

The politician's silence on the controversial issue was seen as a sign of complicity, leading many to question her integrity. El silencio del político sobre el tema controverso se vio como un signo de complicidad, lo que llevó a muchos a cuestionar su integridad.

4. the trait of keeping things secret.

The government's silence on the matter raised suspicions among the public, leading to widespread speculation about what was really going on behind closed doors. El silencio del gobierno sobre el asunto suscitó sospechas entre el público, lo que llevó a especulaciones generalizadas sobre qué estaba realmente pasando detrás de las puertas cerradas.

isolate verb

1. place or set apart.

They isolated the political prisoners from the other inmates Traducción de 'They isolated the political prisoners from the other inmates'

2. obtain in pure form.

The chemist managed to isolate the compound Traducción de 'The chemist managed to isolate the compound'

3. set apart from others.

The dentist sequesters the tooth he is working on Traducción de 'The dentist sequesters the tooth he is working on'

4. separate (experiences) from the emotions relating to them.